Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pear Blossom Update

I have been working on the pear blossom build a little more lately . If you look down a few post you will find it in the state as shown in the first picture .

Its fairly easy to determine why I chose pear blossom as a name .

Any way , I have been working on the finish and the pick guard . The pick guard is in the following picture and should " I hope " continue the theme . It took several hours and several beers to finally decide on the configuration . LOL

The colors in the following pics are not as nice in the pic as they are in real life , because quite frankly , I'm NOT a photographer . The top I tried to capture the greens and spots of a pear . I actually bought one and tried to copy the color .

The back and sides are made of Cherry , so I used cherry stain and then I distressed it and used the same green from the front and leaf pick guard and blended it in . Again the pics don't do it justice .

Thanks for the time and stopping by my little project , Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question . Have a great day everyone .

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